Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WOYWW # 241

Happy WOYWW Everyone! That is short for “What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday”, the brilliant blog hop initiated by our lovely hostess, Julia at The Stamping Ground….and you can see all the deets there.

So, without further ado: My Desk!! I’m very excited…can you see why?  Look, pieces of paper with no purpose behind them but to get them inky in many creative ways.  The pile on the left is my experiments with the new Gelli plate I got for Christmas from my Hubby.  The pile on the right is my class samples from the Online Card Class: Creative Chemistry 102! Yes, the class ran in October, and I have finally gotten around working on days 1 & 2.  This means I finally got to play with those Distress Paints I have been slowly acquiring. 

If you want to see them better, my previous post has some of them split out, which you can see Here.

So there it is; the deck of a happy, stamper! With luck I’ll be able to get to Days 3 & 4 next weekend, as we have a Holiday.

OK, I've shown mine, now go jump to Julia’s and peek at some other creative desks! Have a good week everyone!


  1. Birds of a feather girl, I too am working on some old craft class projects too. I always convince myself when I sign up that I am going to keep up and sure enough months later I print out handouts and work solo!!! I love all the lovely colors you got there. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
    Have a blessed day!
    Belinda (67)

  2. Ah, these gelli plates make many people happy! Playing around with the colours etc must be very satisfying...your backgrounds are great. Keep up the good work!!
    Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

  3. Gosh Kim. Your desk is STILL looking tidy - busy but tidy! Well done!
    Your papers are looking great. Waiting til payday and then I am going to have a lickle spend at a certain shop with my voucher that Mrs Santa sent to me!

  4. Looks like you've been having fun. I need to try some of those acrylic paints - love the colors you have. April #85


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