Wednesday, September 30, 2015

WOYWW #330

Welcome to WOYWW…the “What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday”  blog hop created by Julia at the StampingGround,  so hop over there to join the fun.

OK; things are getting out of hand!  This is my favorite time of year, and it is just flying by….somebody make it slow down!

 Doesn’t help that last week was particular bizarre; bought a new car; went to pick it up, but there was a problem with the camera/screen unit; so I had a loaner for the week; on a day-by-day basis.  Then on Tuesday my Step-son calls to say he and his fiancé are getting married…Saturday.  Yes...4 days! Very simple and nice; with no drama…so probably the best decision ever. 

So here is the desk, with the stencil’s I’ve been working with for building up the card stash, and some of the quirky sayings stamps I got at the show in June that I finally mounted on ez cling.  These came from Lost Coast Designs, with sayings like “You can’t get into the Ballet with a lacrosse stick and a bag of rats” and “Blessed be the cracked, for they shall see the light of day” Above those are my Crazy Birds, colored and all cut out and waiting to get placed on cards. And stacked everywhere are a few of my sayings stamps that I’ve been using on the card stash. 

Here is the wedding card I made for Matt and Rachel, as well as one of the Crazy Bird cards…

So that’s my desk, now go say Hello to Julia and see what this WOYWW phenom is all about!  Have a great week everyone!


  1. Gorgeous butterfly card!! Perfect for the surprise wedding..I still think that quick and simple like they opted for cuts out all the fuss and stress!! And I adore the Blessed be the Cracked sentiment, that made me laugh a lot :-)
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
    Hugs, LLJ 17 xx

  2. Wow what an exciting couple of weeks you've had. I really like both your cards and they're both very different. Had a smile about your sentiments too. Hope the wedding went well and the car problem is now sorted. Have a good week. Barbxx

  3. Hi from Lancashire UK, I've enjoyed seeing your latest creations.
    Lynn # 20

  4. These cards look beautiful!

    I'm on number 40. You're welcome to visit my blog!

    Greetings, Sofie

  5. Ooh you've been really busy! What a grand and amazing decision for the quick wedding, bet it was lovely. I love how neatly your desk is organised...and the idea of the quirky text stamps!

  6. Those sayings intrigue me! What fun! Great Tim bird card too. Wow! Congrats on the wedding! Nothing like short notice to stop any family ructions which usually occur around weddings! 32


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